Scientific Committee
- Elena Paoletti - National Research Council, Plant Protection Institute, Italy
- Andrzej Bytnerowicz - US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, United States
- He Shang - Chinese Academy of Forestry, Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment & Protection, China
- Algirdas Augustaitis - Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry & Ecology, Lithuania
- Salim Belyazid - Lund University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Sweden
- Carlo Calfapietra - National Research Council, Institute of Agro-Environmental & Forest Biology, Italy
- Alessandra De Marco - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development, Italy
- Mark Fenn - US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, United States
- Nancy E. Grulke - US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, United States
- Rainer Matyssek - School of Forest Science & Resource Management, Germany
- Om Rajora - University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management, Canada
- Yusuf Serengil - University of Istanbul, Faculty of Forestry, Turkey
Programme Chairs
- Elena Paoletti
- Andrzej Bytnerowicz
- Pierre Sicard